segunda-feira, 1 de outubro de 2012

Meu Projeto de musica eletronica (My design of electronic music)

sorry dont know speak english very well.

Ola meninasss.!! tudo beem??
Hello all right with you?

Entao estou passando aqui hoje para falar sobre meu projeto de musica eletronica com meu namorado,nos somos Djs e amamos musica eletronica,do estilo deep,tec,house progg e outras vertentes,decidimos comecar com esse projeto para poder mostrar outris estilos de musica para nosso publico,pois aqui no Brasil o Sertanejo e o Funk esta muito em alta,e por isso,queremos mostrar que existe outros estilos alem desses.

(So I'm going through here today to talk about my project of electronic music with my boyfriend, we are Djs and love electronic music, the style deep, tech, house progg and other aspects, we decided to start with this project to be able to show other styles of music to our audience, because here in Brazil and the Sertanejo Funk is very high, and so we want to show that there are other styles besides these.)

Eu estou colocando em ingles gente por que percebo que outros paises etao olhando meu blog e por isso quero que eles tambem saibam e se interessem quem sabe nao consigo tocar para fora do Brasil? =D eu iria amar
(I'm writing in English by people who realize that other countries are looking at my blog and so I also know that they are interested and maybe I can not play outside of Brazil? = D I would love)

o nome do nosso projeto eh UP AND DOWN o motivo desse nome eh pessoal,mas com tempo eu conto para voces,quem me ensinou a tocar foi meu namorado Gregory Correia ele tem 20 anose eu tenho 19,ja tocamos juntos em alguns lugares,pois comecei sozinha fazendo a abertura dos shows de um outro projeto no qual ele faz parte.

(the name of our project eh UP AND DOWN the reason for the name is personal, but with time I'll tell you guys who taught me to play was my boyfriend Gregory Correia anose he is 20 I'm 19, already played together in some places because I started making myself opening the shows of another project in which he participates as a VJ does.)

Entao é  isso gente,caso queiram nos contratar ou
So is this, if you want to hire us for a party or

Our emails are checked every day. A huge kiss I hope you enjoyed and October 11th we will be playing in a nightclub Colvale in our city. Jenifer Abreu kisses
BEIJINHOS meninnass.!

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